Saturday , 1 February 2025

Writing on living web: Here is what you’re looking for!

Living Web, as they call it, is a part of web world that keeps itself in race with the super paced world that we live in. Being part of the living web is almost as difficult as any other job in real world. Weblogs, information sites and news sites are some of things that could very well be associated with the living web.

Writing on living web

To be a writer is a different thing and to be a successful writer is another and this is just what you would be finding out here. Some of most important aspects that should be given maximum weight-age while writing on the living web are:

Writing on living web

1) Writing frequency for web

To be a successful writer definitely needs one to be as regular as possible. Be it a technology weblog or news site unless you keep updating it regularly you would never be able to get a good reader base. Having a site with an old content is as good as having an empty site. In simpler words, unless you are consistent in writing for your readers, they would never be consistent in reading what you offer to them so writing regularly is the most important part while you write for the living web.

2) Show them the reason

Most writers take a long time to learn that content, ironically is just a secondary factor to be considered while writing. Content is necessary but what is more important is to let them know why, on the first hand, is the content important. A good writer should be capable of casually letting people believe in the content and letting them understand the reason why the content would matter to them. First few lines should intrigue enough to let them believe is that the content that is being read is indeed important. Correct set of words and apt formation of sentences could make any trivial matter important.

3) Keep it up-to-date

Writing regularly, although important, is fruitful only when it is up-to-date especially for News sites. No reader would trust you if you provide them with a year old news. Sooner the better, this way the reader base would be built on trust which is the best way to gain more attention. In case of technology blogs, keeping the pace with technological development is as important as is breaking news for a news site. Missing something very important could mean losing a lot of readers and losing the competitive edge to others.

4) Keep it simple

Keeping the article simple is the easiest way to retain your readers in the living web. A weblog or a news site is no place to flaunt your vocabulary skills. Doing that could literally piss off a good percentage of your readers which any writer would now want who wishes to stay on the living web.

5) Multimedia support

Take the quote “A picture is worth a thousand words” seriously. A good written article along with an apt image could do wonders. So using multimedia support along with the written content is a simple yet effective way to attract crowd and could make it easy for you while you write for the living web.

Thus, writing skills although important is not the only deciding factor to judge on how you would be able score on the living web. It is, perhaps, imperative that a writer takes all the above mentioned points seriously to keep up with the peers in the living web.

About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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