Wednesday , 29 January 2025

How To Use Facebook And Twitter For Education

With the advent of post-modernism and the whooping advances in the field of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), everything in the world from has gone internationalized and virtual. Physical payment modes have been replaced by plastic money.

How To Use Facebook And Twitter For Education

Likewise walk-mans and tape recorders of the 90s have been replaced by sleek designed iPods and Mini Music Flash drives. Paper books have turned to virtual Google books and education has transformed into Online Services. The use of social networking websites for Education shall be entailed in detail as follows:



Use Social Networking Websites For Education

Education Through Facebook

According to recent researches, the Facebook is the second largest social network. As Facebook is going global now, many instructors have found innovative ways to teach and disseminate information among the students. Following are some of the road maps followed by the teaching community:

Education Through Facebook

  • Now a days, teachers use their Facebook accounts to update status, announce quizzes, share class discussion boards, give outlay and outline of studies and convey deadlines of assignments to the students at a single platform.
  • Creation of subject specified Facebook page is another out growing trend adopted by the ICT-philic teachers to upload and communicate web-links, video lectures and other virtual material on the subject with the students.
  • Facebook Group application is a helpful tool to enable the teachers group the whole bunch of students at one common place. The groups can then be used like a virtual notice board that narrates the semester schedules of the students. Likewise video call gives the teachers flexibility to present online lectures to the students.
  • Group Chat feature enables healthy debate among the students and the teacher. Likewise Facebook polls can be of great help to a Statistics teacher trying to teach certain basic concepts to his students.


Facebook Education Summary

In-short Facebook and its education friendly tools help in generation of an interesting and novel idea of teaching the students.

Students now days are more profound of using social-networking platforms and this idea would induce fun learning opportunities for them.



Education Through Twitter

Another popular medium for social communication is over the world wide web is Twitter. Through “micro blogging feature” of twitter the instructor can update status for students regarding books, courses, upcoming class discussion topics, quizzes, projects, exams etc.

Education Through Twitter

  • Through twitter instructors can share internet sites, links, notes, blog posts and other course related updates with students.
  • Through “hash tag” option instructor can provide opportunity to attend online conferences, workshops, and courses. etc.
  • Members are able to connect with each other through “retweeting” or re-posting a tweet and also able to follow.
  • The instructors can use twitter to increase active participation of students during long lectures.
  • Students are able to tweet questions regarding their subjects from expert teachers through twitter globally.
  • Teachers can send online quizzes to students through twitter and they will reply them to teachers hence a best two way online learning.


Twitter Education Summary

In short Twitter is another attractive web tool that can be used healthfully to educate the students in a more interactive and pleasurable manner then the conventional class-room teaching.

In addition to this the quick, easily accessible, entertaining and amusing way will enhance the intellectual standards of students at an amplified rate.

About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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