Wednesday , 29 January 2025

Get Your PC to Run Faster – Good As New

How fast your computer / PC runs makes a big difference to your daily life. This is because most of us will use our computers on a daily basis, which means we end up spending a lot of time waiting for them to load or dealing with crashes if they are prone to doing it.

What might be a five-minute delay actually becomes a very long and significant delay over a large number of times using it, and as this adds up you can find hours of your life being eaten by slow computers. Know more about Computer Maintenance – Dos and Donts

At the same time if your PC isn’t running as quickly as it should be, then that might mean that it’s too sluggish to run certain software and games that you might want it to, basically meaning you aren’t getting what you paid for when you bought a high performance machine.


Get Your PC to Run Faster - Good As New


Luckily there are normally ways to speed up your PC and to get it running faster again – it’s just a matter of doing a bit of a clean-up and taking the time to go through a couple of processes.



Ways to speed up your PC and to get it running faster again

Use System Tools From PC

System tools has a few useful tools for increasing the performance of Windows PC s. For instance if you run ‘Disk Cleanup’ then you will be able to remove any unnecessary system files and thereby give yourself more hard drive space. Likewise you can run Disk De-fragmentation to stop your computer from doing tasks it doesn’t need to.


Delete Things

You can also manually do a disk clean up of your own which will speed things up like loading files. If you have lots of programs and software on your laptop / PC that you never run, then it’s time to uninstall them as they are taking up crucial space. Likewise if you have lots of big media files like films or music, then you should move these over to an external hard drive.


Prevent Things Running in the Background

Part of what is probably slowing your computer / PC down at this point is having lots of different things running in the background which you aren’t using. These will likely include things such as MSN, Spotify, Open Office etc – and there’s no reason for them to be there. To close them now you can either right-click on them in the system tray, or you can launch task manager and select to end task.

At the same time though, to speed up your PC ‘s launch time, you should also prevent them from loading up in the first place, and you can do this by going to ‘run’ and typing ‘msconfig’. This will give you the option to un-tick the programs you don’t need to load up as soon as you start-up – so for instance you don’t need ‘MSN’ because you can just click on that when you do want to run it.


Get Rid of Malware

Meanwhile you are probably also running all kinds of other programs you don’t want in the form of malware – spyware for instance. To get rid of these you need to run your virus checker/your anti-spyware software and do a clean and that will allow you to remove a lot of unwanted files from your system / PC.

About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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