Saturday , 1 February 2025

How to Know If You’re a Technophile

They say it takes one to know one, and I’ll be the first to put my hand up and admit that I’m something of a Technophile myself.

However rather than being a bad thing, I actually view this as something of a positive fact as I’m the guy with all the cool boys toys, the guy who people go to when they want tech advice, and the guy who gets excited each time a new device comes out.

That said my bank account maybe isn’t so fond of my rather expensive habit, and come to think of it I don’t think my girlfriend is too keen either.

But enough about me, the question is are you a technophile like me? Or are you more restrained when it comes to your tech habits? Here we’ll examine the facts and I’ll let you know… Answer yes to too many of the questions below and I’m afraid you’re probably one of me…


Are You a Technophile?

You’re Probably a Technophile If

1) Your phone makes people go ‘what’s that??’ – I’ve had an XDA Exec, a Dell Streak, a Nokia NGage, a HP Ipaq and now a Galaxy Note as my phones – never anything you might described as a ‘normal’ phone and always far too big. This is because I’m a geek and I need to have the strangest and most exciting looking phone out there.


2) You carry more than two pieces of tech with you. If you carry with you a phone and an MP3 player then fair enough, that’s pretty normal. But if you’re carrying with you a phone, a Kindle, a notebook, a USB keyboard, an iPad and various other things then you’re probably a bit too keen on technology.


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3) Opening a new piece of technology is something of a sacred moment. When you get a new computer or phone do you go right ahead and open it, or do you wait until you’re at home and you’ve tidied the living room and made a hot cup of tea to really appreciate the moment.


4) You spend far too much money on apps. You think you’ve got enough, but then you need to check out that new live wallpaper or impress your friends with a more interesting layout…


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5) The space underneath your desk is absolutely filled with wires, and your monthly electricity bill is more shocking than any of them (sorry).


6) You often end up talking in jargon


7) You’d much rather have an Android than an Apple and you have a very long speech ready about why for anyone foolish enough to bring it up…


8) You often wonder around Maplins/Comet/PC World without actually needing anything, you just wander around…


9) You have a drawer filled with old phones and other gadgetry, and half of it doesn’t even work anymore – but no way are you going to throw it away


10) You once owned an iPad


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11) You couldn’t settle on a games console so you bought several


12) You get a new laptop or computer more than every three years.


13) You have a number of completely useless accessories – including perhaps a pair of glasses with an inbuilt monitor or universal remote.

About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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