Wednesday , 29 January 2025

Best Tools to Remember Passwords

Having secure passwords is an old issue, which many people still surprisingly overlook. For some reason, users tend to not pay much attention to how they create their passwords. There is also the problem of having to remember many different password for various sites and accounts.

Solution to Remember Passwords

The “obvious” solution is to simply use the same password for all accounts, or use a small pool of passwords. Another solution is to choose passwords that are easy to remember. While these points can help in remembering your passwords very easily, the security issues come up once again. The most efficient thing to do is to use tools that can help you generate secure passwords and retrieve them easily as well.

Best Tools to Remember Passwords

Remember Passwords Best Tools

Here are some of the best tools for these purposes. Click on title for respective software site..

LastPass Password Manager

LastPass is my personal favorite for so many reasons. This password manager has a free version and a paid version, the latter costing only $1 per month. LastPass is highly rated by many tech web sites, and rightly so. It is very easy to use, and you really need to remember only one password – your LastPass password.

Once you have created your account, you may opt to use the web site itself to generate and store (remember) passwords. Alternatively, you can use the application or extension for your preferred browser. It even works on mobile devices! Indeed, ever since I started using LastPass, I have never had problems remembering passwords anymore.

KeePass Password Manager

KeePass is another highly rated password manager, which is totally free as it is from the open source community. This desktop application does what LastPass does – remember all the passwords that you store so that you will only have to remember one password.

KeePass is compatible with Windows, although there is another version called KeePassX for OS X and Linux. While it does work, this version needs more work in terms of user experience.

1Password Password Manager

1Password is the password manager of choice of many Mac users. More than simply managing your passwords, it also autofills forms. Unlike KeePass, it can be integrated into your browser, which makes the user experience much better.

Just like with the two preceding password managers, you only have to remember one password with 1Password. The drawback is the price – $35!


Not a Mac user but want something like 1Password? You can use RoboForm instead. It functions much like 1Password, but also adds the ability to create different identities to use in autofilling web forms. That can be very handy if you use different information for different web sites. The good news is that RoboForm has a free version.

The bad news is that it has limited features, and if you really want to make the most of it, it is better to get the premium version, which costs $30. Whichever password manager you choose to use, you will certainly appreciate the security and the convenience.

Can’t get enough of anything shiny and related to tech; will also pay attention to non-shiny things as long as they have something to do with computers and gadgets.

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About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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