Wednesday , 29 January 2025

3 Ways Social Media Can Increase Your Blog Growth

Definitely Social Media Can Increase Your Blog Growth!  Blogging is always an essential part of any website or company. It keeps your customers in touch with your company and encourages people to keep checking back.

If your blog seems to have stagnated, or even if it hasn’t, social media can provide a much needed boost to your traffic and think more for your blog growth.

With Google Panda and Google Penguin placing an emphasis on social media, the added publicity not only brings in direct traffic, it can bring in indirect traffic via Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Social Media Can Increase Your Blog Growth


How Social Media Can Increase Your Blog Growth

1. Making the Connection On Social Media To Increase your Blog Growth

Whenever someone decides to combine social media with their blog, they connect them. They can either set up an auto poster, so a new blog triggers an automatic social media entry. Alternatively, they can simply place a social media widget on their blog which leads readers to the relevant social media pages.

This connection automatically creates a link between readers and helps in blog growth. It’s a fact more people are likely to read your tweets than your blog, so your interesting tweets about your blog will lead people to your website. Over the course of the next few weeks and months, your web analytic will show more people clicking onto your blog through social media pages like Twitter and Facebook.

On a side note, readers who find your blog directly can also find your social media sites via your site. It works both ways.


2. Social Media Engagement

A comprehensive blog writing service can only take you so far. Even though you have all the material you need to engage readers, you have to encourage them to talk. They don’t know whether what they write is going to contribute anything. What you have to do is encourage them to talk and ultimately it is good for your blog growth

All good writing services put some sort of prompt at the bottom of their blogs, but the best way to encourage engagement is via social media. It increases your visibility.

Amanda DiSilvestro for Social Media Today writes on how important social media engagement is, and the importance of being seen. As well as having a well-presented blog, she writes, you need to present yourself in the same way through social media.

Throwing out a special offer for replying or raising a controversial issue can engage people on social media. Remember, people are far more likely to respond on social media as it requires substantially less effort. Grow a loyal following of commentators here and they’ll soon start transferring this enthusiasm to your blog.


3. Controversy On Social Media

Controversy is a difficult thing to get right. You have to strike the right balance between offensive and getting someone hot under the collar. The latter is good the former isn’t. It’s always important to promote your content, but controversy spreads like a fire in an oil depot on social media.

Matthew Pleney for RGB Social wrote, “You can be producing the best, most relevant and meaningful content imaginable, but if nobody consumes it, it will have literally zero impact.”

This couldn’t ring more true. And the only way to make it relevant is by putting it where people can see it. We spend a considerable amount of time each week on social media, so surely it makes sense to put your interesting and controversial topic where people can see it?

About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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