Saturday , 1 February 2025

Has Google penalized Your Website?

Google recently made a Panda update. Many websites have suffered a huge drop in traffic post panda update. But there are instances in the life of a blog when traffic to a blog suddenly drops.

Has Google penalized Your Website?

This may be a possible outcome of Google gods showing a wrath. Let’s look at some of the reasons of such penalties and how to tackle them.


Google Penalties Reasons Or How To Tackle Them

1. Duplicate Content

If you posted large number of duplicate blog posts by copying them from article marketing websites, PR releases, Blog posts, then be prepared to face the consequences.

If you like any idea, post, or Press Release try to take a view on the content you liked and share your opinion. This way you will develop some loyal following and will be considered an authority in your field.


2. Spammy Titles

Spammy Titles Google Penalty

Do your page tiles look like “keyword-another-keyword-again-keyword”? How many of your users would like to read this type of title? It is easy for Google to spot such websites and ignore them in search results as they appear spammy.


3. Spammy Meta Description

Spammy Meta Description

Remember that one of the data points that Google tracks is the number of clicks that a website receives on Google search pages. If you have a spammy title and meta descriptions, the users are less likely to click on it. Google will soon find it and penalize you for it.


4. Low quality links

Low quality links

Internet is full of advice on how to do build links fast with dofollow blogs, low-level directories and article marketing websites. Add to that could have link exchanges and hidden links and you are on Google’s radar. What’s even more painful is there is no easy way to escape this penalty.

Be very careful about posting your links to websites with bad neighbourhood (payday loans, insurance links).


5. Exact anchor match links

Google shows websites that have links pointing to them. But it wants to reward websites that have editorial links which are given purely based on quality of content.

If you are acquiring large number of links with your target keywords in the anchor through manipulative tactics, be ready to sudden swings in your ranking and traffic.


More Useful related articles about Google Panda Update


About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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