Google Panda 3.2 Update Analysis

As the Google Panda walks into our streets again, we need to look at ways to survive the attack. Well, this time around, with Panda update 3.2, it doesn’t really look like an ‘Attack’. They have been promising only minor changes after their super huge ‘Plus search results’ initiative; and they have stuck to the word with interesting developments. The core here, as we already know is a ‘Data’ refresh and not really an algorithm change.

google panda update

Analysis Of 5 Most Google Panda Update & It’s Effects On Webmasters

1. Google Panda Update For Data Refresh

This simply means that newer, fresher data will now appear in search results based on relevance.

Ranking Effects: Many sites have reported to falling rankings with relatively older content.

Negatives: Good sites may rank below random blogs and newer websites. Search results may not be completely accurate.

Positives: Newer sites in focus! A decade old blog with good SEO is not very likely to show up in results anymore. Moreover, updated pages of information will come to the forefront.

Changes Needed: Update content.

For instance, if you have pages with old content and dead links either update them with newer information; or discard the pages along with content if they are not needed! The quality and relevance are what counts.

2. Google Panda Update For Spam Alert

This evidently indicates that spamming will not encouraged.

Ranking Effects: Content with repetitions or excessive use of Keywords may rank below or not appear in searches

Negatives: Having Long tail keywords in your website footers may not be a good idea. The Panda may term this as spam content.

Positives: While actual spam may be controlled, you never know about real content getting termed as ‘spam’. Nevertheless, it’s a welcome changed for the poor user who types in ‘Inception Movie’ and gets pages with ‘Inception movie’ written 100 times!

Changes Needed: A quick review of content to check keyword density and usage.

3. Google Panda Update For Google Instant – better completion of terms keyed in

The auto complete does not only finish the possible search quickly, it also corrects spellings

Negatives: Can’t say for sure, but this could again somehow benefit faster sites; sites that have better page speed and related factors may be influenced. At times, search displayed may be different from what the user is looking for

Positives: Auto – correction of spellings would certainly improve search and improve the situation for sites that are losing credit because of being misspelled

Changes Needed: There’s nothing sure shot to add here, but this could mean that we might need to start developing content that HAS precisely the ‘search’ terms in them.

For example, if you are a baking company providing recipes. You appear for search on ‘cheese cake preparation’. Your content in future might need to include terms such as ‘how to prepare cheese cake’ and other similar terms which may be typed into the search engines and which are promoted by auto complete.

4. Google Panda Update For Refinements in Language Search

They are actually escalating the level of search with this very interesting update. What happens here is that, the language of search is evaluated. Based on language the content is displayed.

The user may have a default language as ‘English’ but if he’s typing in another language like French, the auto correct will display French results

Ranking Effects: Sites with content in various languages stand to benefit. Specific language oriented SEO may be required.

Negatives: promotion of specific languages. Websites which may be catering to regions in France may miss out on web visibility because of content in English and not regional language

Positives: Website catering to regional languages and related content can get due recognition.
Users now have the language advantage.

Changes Needed : Way ahead, the web space may change. You may see promotion of vernacular content and that replacing the web space with non – English material, dominant. Can’t say for sure though – the near future however will require adequate balance in content; might need to make those extra pages with specific languages.

5. Google Panda Update For Improved Image search

When Google launched Image search, I remember literally screaming on social media that THIS is revolutionizing search. My sister and I always wondered how we need to look at Images and identify where they come from or who the person is. Google has made that possible with Image search. More so, there are changes even in display:

Ranking Effects: Sites with higher resolution image, original images stand to gain better ranking.

Negatives: You might see the image tabs scrolling along with image search. As seen here:


Google Panda 3.2 Update Analysis


This can cause moderate to slight annoyance, based on temperament ;) . But jokes apart, better images better ranking – focus shift can be a negative

Positives: Images get their due recognition! A treat for users!

Changes needed: A closer examination of site, its contents and images used.

Google Panda 3.2 Update Analysis Conclusion

Google’s main agenda seems to be streamlining its search results and offering more of a standardized pattern. We can expect all Google products to look and feel the same! Whether all the Google algorithmic changes are good or bad or beneficial or not – only time will tell. Until then, let’s brainstorm on how to make this work at any cost with new Google Panda Update ! Cheers.

About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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