Thursday , 30 January 2025

How To Delete Website From Search Engine?

From Google, the deletion of the websites is very difficult to do it. Moreover, you have to know the other ways for the deletion of the websites as well. Actually, you will not able to delete website from the search engine. The reason is that you have to follow some factors which are very much vital for it.

Moreover, you should know that once the website is indexed in the search engine directory, then it is absolutely impossible to remove or delete website completely from the search engine.

When the website first time indexed in one of the search engines, then it will be immediately get indexed in the other search engines within a very short period of time. Moreover, the prime jobs for you that you have to send the removal request to the particular search engine.

Delete Website From Search Engine

Even, you will have some options in the front of you for sending the removal of a web site request. So, you have to take the opportunity for your needs as well. But, when you will request Google for the deletion of the website, then you have to follow some procedures as well.


Best Way To Delete Website From Search Engine

Google Removal Tool

If you like to remove or delete website from the search engine, you have to use Google Webmaster Tool to delete website from the search engine. Before using Google webmaster tool, you have to verify the website address for making sure that the website is still indexed in the search engine directory as well.

One thing you have to remember that the website meta data is very much responsible for indexing in the search engine directory. Actually, the meta data help the website to get indexed in the search engine directory as well.

So, you have to remove all the meta data traces of the website from the search engine. But, through the Google webmaster tool, you will able to do it due to its total deletion technology from their directory.

  • For deletion procedure, you have to go to Site Configuration, and then you have to proceed further to Crawler Access.
  • After that, you have to go to Remove URL. Here, you have to put the website URL and then enter.

At this point, you have to consider some options which will guide you to make your website deletion request a success. If you like to remove or delete website from the search engine along without removing the cache traces, then your work will be half done as it will not remove completely from the search engine as well.

So, if you like to remove or delete website traces from the search engine completely, then you have to remove the cache traces also. Moreover, you have to remove the directory completely from the search engine as well.

Another point, you have to keep in your mind that a 404 error should appear when needs it as well as a 410 error. Even, you have to block the file in the robots file.


Sending request to the Google webmaster

Even, you could not apply the website deletion process from the search engine, then you can send direct your request to the Google webmaster through their helpline. Actually, you should use it when your request is not working at all.


Use robots text

You block the file in the robots text file which will give you the total support to delete website from the search engine. Moreover, you have to follow the different procedures in the different search engines as well.

Actually, the robots text file is very much crucial for any website. Every website has a robots text file. So, you have to disallow for the search engine for crawling or indexing.


Complete remove Or Delete Website

If you like to remove completely the website from the search engine, then you have to delete the pages from the web server first and after that you have to use Google Webmaster tool as well.

For doing it, you have to access the website server page through the FTP or Content Management System platform. But, permission for it is difficult to get if the website is not yours.


Password protected page

If any website is password protected, the Google and the other search engines will not crawl or index it. Actually, the search engine will think that it is highly restricted and has a total privacy as well.


Noindex tag

If any search engine like Google finds that there is a noindex tag in its pages, then it will never index it at all. So, the search engine will never visit the website again.

This is most simple way to remove or delete website from Search Engine but keep in mind to remove webpage cache from search engine, you can use webmaster removal tool to do so.


So, you can get the total deletion of a website from the search engine, when you will follow all procedures minutely and delete website.

About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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