Saturday , 1 February 2025

How Long Should a Blog Post Be

If you’ve finally come to a decision on how often you want to update your blog, the next thing you will probably be wondering is how long your blog post should be.  There’s no short answer to this question, in fact it has been debated amongst cyber space’s top bloggers for years but hopefully the guidelines below will help you to come to your own conclusion.  Each blog is different so there really is no definitive answer.

Blog Post Writing Tricks

Blog Post Writing Tricks

Determining the Ideal Length For Your Blog Post

As I said above, the length of your blog post will depend on your individual blog.  I run an extreme sports blog and my posts tend to range in length from around 700 words to around 1000 words but it really depends on how much information there is for me to want to share.  Many successful blogs are made up of shorter posts, and many more still consist of one picture!  The length of your blog post will depend on the following:

  • The niche and style of your blog
  • How often you update your blog
  • Your blog readers
  • The purpose of your blog post
  • The length of time it takes you to research and write

The Niche of Your Blog is Important

The niche of your blog will be one of the main determining factors in the length of your blog post.  For example if you run a news website, your readers may be expecting short posts of around 300-400 words that they can quickly read before moving on to something else, whereas if you run a technology blog or a blog that is primarily read by academics, you may find that longer blog post work better for you.

Put simply: if your readers are the type of people who will check in daily for a quick read: short is best, whereas if your readers are looking for educated information: long and detailed may be better.

Back in 2010, research was conducted into the optimum blog post length for multiple niches.  Eight different niches were examined and the most popular blogs in each niche were used for the research.  The results showed that the optimum blog post length in each niche is:

  • Gadgets – 181 words
  • Gossip – 183 words
  • News – 329 words
  • Politics – 465 words
  • Health – 666 words
  • Marketing – 1085 words
  • Finance – 1225 words
  • Personal Development – 1470 words

How Much Time do You Have to Write Your Blog Post ?

For most bloggers, the length of their blog post is ultimately determined by how much time they have available to research and then write.  It’s quite obvious, but a post of 500 words will obviously take a lot less time to write than a post of 1000 words and it doesn’t require as much planning.  Longer posts have a harder time when it comes to keeping the reader interested so in order to be successfully read and shared they tend to need a lot more work putting into them than shorter posts.

Many bloggers that opt to write longer articles for their blog will also write some shorter articles to split up the amount of information that is being provided.  Some bloggers will split an extremely long article into a series for their readers to follow whilst others will write one long blog post and then a shorter one following it that summaries their points.

The length of your blog post is really up to you.  There is no right or wrong answer, but ultimately it will depend on the niche of your blog and the type of readers that your blog receives.

If you are struggling to find the perfect length for your blog post, why not contact Apple Copywriting?  Their SEO copywriters know how to create perfect blog post that are sure to impress your readers.

About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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