Wednesday , 29 January 2025

4 Marketing Myths : That Are Not Myths

Ok the thing is, you want to market your product but there is a minor hitch along the way. You do not know where to start it after all. Perhaps you have heard about SEO, online marketing, Google Adwords, email marketing etc but they take years before you will be able to get hang on them and they are so vast topics that I will not be able to sum up in one single post.

Online Marketing Concepts

So, here I am going to give a short account of some marketing concepts that are now considered to be myths, but in reality they are not. These marketing tips will help you see more sales and a huge spike in the traffic volume. Just cannot wait for them right? Ok, here they go:

Long Tails


Marketing Concepts – Considered To Be Myths!

Long Tails Are Dead

Ok, you may share some love hate relationship with the zombies but the truth is that long tails keywords are not dead and they have never been. They are still striving and driving hordes of traffic to quality sites.

The best and the easiest way you can start ranking for long tail keywords is by launching a blog. Without even being your aware of it, you will see your website starts getting ranks in numerous long tails keywords naturally. However, you need to come up with great quality content at regular intervals if you wish to stay at the top in those long tail keywords.

Now, below are some tips that you should be incorporating for achieving this –

  • Quantity and quantity both are important. You cannot ignore one at the expense of others.
  • Write posts that are at least 700 to 800 words long and keep them coming at regular intervals.
  • If you do not have any such time for publishing such great content, do not feel despondent. There are thousands of qualified writers available on Freelancer, Odesk etc and all you need to do is to find out the one who is capable enough to deliver you quality write-up within $10 and believe me things will be good.
  • Make sure you are using at least one image in each post. Remember the line – Picture says 1000 words.
  • Do not use technical jargons that only you and your friends can understand. You need to do your best to deliver the message in plain and simple English.
  • Title should be attractive and it would be great if you can manage to add some shocking elements in it.


Internal Pages Are Important Too

There are some marketers whose marketing strategy always revolves around the home page; this is bad, very bad. You need to drive both links and traffic to internal pages of your website otherwise, they will go dry, withered and eventually die at the end.

Now, to make this happen, you need not have to reinvest the wheel. You just need to sign up for the Zemanta to get some natural links as you are fully aware of the impacts of Penguin and Panda. Just fork out a measly $15 and natural links will be coming to your website from all directions.

Now, if you wish to do it all by yourself to remain in Google’s good book, you can offers some freebies or trail version of your service to prospective customers in the hope that people will find them and give a link back to the internal pages of your website.

Alternatively, you can approach directly blog owners and ask them to review your service or product and write something. Please for God’s sake do not get into the grey area by offering them money for posting reviews about your website. This goes against the guidelines of Google and you may eventually end up banning your website.


Pop Up Ads Are Not That Bad Man

I know you may cringe in disbelief but the fact is that sometimes pop-up ads are not so bad. Yeah, I know the idea may sound a bit spammy. But take it this way, when a visitor is going to bounce back from your website, I do not see any reason why you should make an effort to make him stop by using a pop-up urging him exploring some other areas of your website. You may never know, it may help you get a big client.


Pop Up Ads


  • Do not Show the Pop-up To Everyone:You have access to Google Analytics. It is good, now do me a favor by finding out those visitors that are not converting well. For say, you locate some visitors who are landing on your website with a particular term are bouncing back immediately. So, it means that they are not finding the page relevant enough for the search term. In that case, you should show some pop-up ads for them featuring some others of your websites that may be relevant to their search queries.
  • Do Not Be Repetitive: Do not show the same pop-up to the same person over and over again. It is really irritating.
  • Offer a Nice Freebie: People love to have freebies and you can make people fall in love with the pop-up ads by featuring some nice gifts.


Ask For A Favor Man, It may work

As a marketer, you need to proactive while marketing your product. But there are some reluctant marketers who believe that people will come to their websites, find the contact Us page and then send them mail. But the world is still not such great place.

You still need to work hard to the bone to be able to make a living from the marketing job and therefore, you should be featuring some Quick Contact Form or something of that kind so that people contact you.

A pop-up message with a sign-up is fine as long as you are not too pushy. Find the sweet spot between too persuasive and proactive and you will be just awesome.

About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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