Wednesday , 29 January 2025

Facebook And Google Have Made It hard For Us To Survive

Facebook and Google have become an integral part of most of our lives – of that there really is no doubt and it’s quite amazing to think that only ten years ago, Google (Who Runs the World ? Google) was in its fledgling stages and Facebook didn’t exist.

So the question is then, what will do when they no longer exist? Or is that even something that can happen? Here we will look at what a world without Facebook and Google might be like and how that could occur.


Facebook And Google


What A World Without Facebook and Google – A Review

Will Facebook and Google Ever Die?

Google has been the number one search engine now for some time, and it’s also fair to say that we couldn’t really make much sense of the web without a search engine to help us do so. So is it even possible that Google could even become obsolete?

The answer is a resounding ‘yes’, and if you can’t imagine a world without Google then that’s merely a failure on the part of your imagination. Think how much the web has progressed in the few years it’s been around. And then think how much it will change in the next few decades.

As connections increase and cloud computing becomes more and more commonplace. We’ll surely see a more ‘media rich’ web that focuses on videos, interactive games and other features to get around the web. And there’s a good chance that they won’t be as easy for things like Google to sift through meaning we might need an entirely new way to surf the web.

Meanwhile it will of course be only a matter of time until Facebook is replaced, and this is a service that’s already starting to look somewhat out of date.

Remember : Facebook beat MySpace when once it seemed MySpace would never be dethroned so it can of course happen again.(Read more about What Facebook Did Right, That MySpace Didn’t!)

Then of course there’s the simple possibility that one of these huge companies could suffer a major problem. Or that they could run into financial trouble (especially Facebook which hasn’t monetized itself quite as well as Google and that has more which could go wrong).


What Will Take Facebook And Google ‘s Place?

Of course it’s possible that Facebook and Google will simply be replaced by something better. A new social media site will of course have to contend with the fact that Facebook currently has. That is so much user data in terms of photos and things, but again as connections improve and as new technologies are invented we’re likely to see this becoming less of an issue.

A new social network may very possibly allow you to upload an entire folder of pictures for instance at the press of a button.

Facebook and Google will simply be replaced by something better

What’s likely to take their place then is something that is different enough to encourage the change for users. For instance we might see a time when people don’t use search as much anymore because they have a more effective way to look for the content they want online.

We might meanwhile see augmented reality play a role in future social networks so that you can actually see someone’s user data by holding your camera up to them. If a new piece of software can accomplish something like this, then there’s no reason that we might not see a day when Google and Facebook are but distant memories.

About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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