
Remote DBA Expertise tips for all the WordPress developers

sRemote DBA Experts tips for all the WordPress developers

WordPress is a great tool. With quite basic programming knowledge you can easily get started. If you are one of WordPress developers or your understanding of programming language is decent, there are many blogs online that will help you wi…

Ways to Stop WordPress Brute Force Attack

WordPress Brute Force Attack

WordPress is one of the most popular blog sites over the Internet. It offers a lot of options that bloggers usually need when it comes to blogging. As the popularity of the website skyrockets, many people are also attracted to using the blog s…

Broken Link Checker: How To Identify And Remove Broken Links

Broken Link Checker

A few broken links on your website that are purely internal are not going to hurt your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) too much. Google are aware that the occasional link breaks and if your website is correctly SEO’ed anyway then there shou…

Things That Make WordPress Form Plugin Powerful

WordPress Form Plugin

Sometimes we require a WordPress form plugin in our WP sites for various purposes. While the functions these plugins have are immense, choosing one might not be that easy. There are no comprehensive form plugin lists, but here are some plug…

Best Free WordPress Newsletter Plugins

Best Free WordPress Newsletter Plugins

If you own a business, it is very important for you to maintain a website and design newsletters for your customers that you send to them on monthly or weekly basis. WordPress has plenty of free newsletter plugins and this article presents yo…