Thursday , 28 November 2024

Social Network

Infographic – The Brands Which Rule Twitter!

Which Brands Rule Twitter infographic

One of the best things about social media is that it has given brands a fresh way to interact with consumers. Twitter especially has been put to good use by many brands who have fully embraced the opportunity to interact with their audience in…

5 Stunning Facebook Facts You May Not Know

Facebook Facts

There are close to 1 billion Facebook users, and if you ever asked them what they know about it, chances are most will not be able to tell you the fascinating part of its origin and influence on mankind. Though, that is not a barrier to using Face…

How Facebook Landing Pages Can Turn Visitors into Customers?

Facebook Landing Pages Turn Visitors into Customers

For most businesses, Facebook is said to be a valuable platform. We can elaborate value in different ways. In this post, this value is based only on conversions and the most important part – money. Whatever the size of your business is, you ca…

Five Ways to Market your Business on Pinterest

Market your Business on Pinterest

Market my Business on Pinterest? TRUE. In contemporary times, the internet has become a medium people use to connect with individuals and personalities who Pinterest is a unique way of marketing yourself. Instead of talking about someth…

Does Promoting Book On Social Media Provide Good Sales?

Promoting Book On Social Media Provide Good Sales

Why social media? Many authors may face a dilemma regarding the publication of their book. Publishers want to publish books that already have a following on various social media through excerpts and short passages of the book. This is sign…