Thursday , 30 January 2025

How to use StumbleUpon to promote your blog

StumbleUpon is a very interesting resource that is available for those blog owners that want to promote their posts, so what is your though on Stumbleupon is what type of social media? The problem is that most bloggers do not take full advantage of what StumbleUpon has to offer.

When you take a look at tutorials that talk about StumbleUpon and blogging, all you are really told is to share posts and then connect with people. That sounds good in theory but how do you actually connect if all you do is share?

StumbleUpon to promote your blog

There are various problems that the average blogger has in understanding how to properly use the social share site.

Understanding The Basics – What Is StumbleUpon?

In the event that you do not know, StumbleUpon is basically a community site. You can vote up or down the content that you locate on the internet. This includes videos, photos, blog posts and basically anything that is found with the use of a web browser. The site can be used for two purposes:

  • To have fun
  • To promote our site

In order to have fun you just have to click a Stumble button and you will be taken to a random website that fits within your interest list.

You can come across some great sites when you do this. If you find one that you like, make sure that you share the content or you vote up the site.

Using StumbleUpon To Promote Your Blog

This is why you are most likely reading this article. There is no way to deny the fact that the most important part of the equation is connecting with others. This basically increases the chances that people will vote up the submissions that you make since they will see them.

StumbleUpon will highlight the submissions that your friends make when you log into your account. That is why having a big network of friends is highly important.

It is also important to be active on StumbleUpon. The votes that are done by members that are more active will count more than those that are placed by members that are not really active.

In the event that a StumbleUpon user voted on 10,000 items, the site will surely value his opinion more than another user that just voted on 100 items.

This basically means that StumbleUpon puts a lot more value on the information that is offered by you when you are really active.

Being Buried Without Realizing It

This is a highly important piece of information that needs to be shared. There are many bloggers that use StumbleUpon and see that their stories are not popular or shared. Even if the content that you share is of the highest possible quality for your target audience.

It might be buried by StumbleUpon before potential clients see them. This is usually because of a really often met mistake: improper submissions.

Let us think about using StumbleUpon as a user that has Photography listed as a preference. In this case there is a huge chance that the user will vote up a post that shows different photos.

However, if he sees a post that tells him how to add pictures to a blog for SEO reasons, the post will be voted down. If that SEO related post is yours, you will find it that few people see the post. It will usually happen due to the fact that you did not post in the appropriate category.

Only Submit Quality Posts!

Whenever you submit something to StumbleUpon it has to be of a really high quality. In the event that your posts are constantly buried, it will hurt the overall authority of your account. The StumbleUpon user is allowed to block a site in the event that he does not like the content.

There are many that do so and having many blocks is never a good idea. A basic rule of thumb is to submit only the really high quality posts on your sites.

On the whole, using StumbleUpon is all about common sense. Think about what you would like to see when you Stumble upon a page and try to offer at least the same quality to other users. It is a great idea and this will automatically increase your rankings, thus getting you more quality traffic. I have generated submitted StumbleUpon likes for Tricks Window.

About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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