Thursday , 28 November 2024

Top Apple iPhone 5 Expectations

Is iPhone 5 really going to take the cellphone experience where it has never been before? In all probability yes! Top iPhone 5 expectations center on the hope that Apple is going to pay a befitting tribute to the genius of Steve Jobs with a super new machine. Unfortunately, one thing is sure; it’s not going to be any cheaper!

Apple Expectation

iPhone 5 Expectations

Greater Efficiency

To begin with, the iPhone 5 is expected to be smarter and more efficient. The phone might have the A6 quadcore chip. The recently released iPad had the A5X chip. This chip was an upgraded version of the earlier A5 chip.

Undoubtedly, the chip is going to be upgraded for the iPhone as well. It is expected that the iPhone 5 would be able to handle both GSM and CDMA networks. The chip would make the iPhone 5 twice as fast the previous model with the possibility of graphics loading capacity being nine times faster.


Bigger Display

iPhone 5 expectations of a bigger display are pretty high. The new iPhone is likely to have a bigger screen with retina display.

The screen configuration is likely to match the latest one available in the iPad. Though, a question relating to a better screen is – Would apps be upgraded to look good as well?


Camera, Speech Recognition, and Human-Machine Interface

Expectations are high about an eight-megapixel camera. There are rumors about a new feature with inbuilt software called Assistant. Assistant would be powered by artificial intelligence technology by Siri and speech recognition technology by Nuance.

This would also support a special new dictation feature in the phone. Speech recognition has not been very efficient in phones manufactured so far. The iPhone 5 is expected to set the bar high on the front.

Rumors suggest this feature would bring a whole new human-machine interface to the forefront. The iPhone 5 would actually hold a ‘conversation’ with the user in performing tasks like setting up an appointment, etc. Online computation and social media integration is expected to go to the next level as well.


Memory and Storage

The iPhone is expected to have better memory with 1 GB RAM which was 512MB RAM in the iPhone 4 and iPad 2.

Of course, models with different memory size would still be available in different price bands. Apple has been working on a futuristic flash technology to improve storage for a while now.


New iPhone 5 Battery

All iPhone 5 expectations are focused on better performance. How can the battery be left behind? A better battery is required to handle the better faculties of the new model. Battery drain issues are expected to be taken care of.


New iWallet Technology

There is news that Apple is set to introduce technology called iWallet which would be a digital framework to help users control their finances via the iPhone 5. It would cover secure gateways for making transactions with credit cards, bank transfers, purchases, etc.

It would also help users keep track of their entire financial profile, view detailed statements, and even use parental control for children’s usage. Payments would be trackable through the iTunes billing profile as well. The iWallet is expected to work with several other services like booking of movie tickets as well.


Super Gaming

One of the most talked-about iPhone 5 expectations is about brand new software to support both single-player and multi-player gaming. Better battery and better display would surely add to that.


But, all said and done, as is the tradition with Apple, no matter what iPhone 5 expectations we have, we are sure to be surprised by what they unveil next.
Apple iPhone 5 Expectations
Also, considering that the iPhone 5 will have 4g high speed capability make sure your mobile service provider offers the best bandwidth. To enjoy the iPhone you will need fast download and upload ability for your iPhone 5 or mobile needs.

About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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