Great Free News Apps For Android In 2014

If you are looking for an app to read news on your Android tablet, whether it’s a Nexus, Amozon Kindle Fire or even a Galaxy Tab tablet, you should be using one of these great Android News Apps.


News App photo

Photo by OpenClips (Pixabay)


Great News Apps For Android

News Republic (Free)

News Republic – Smarter news App IconNews Republic is one of the few Android news apps that really works with today’s larger touchscreens. The app lets you personalize your reading experience by favoring certain topics that you like. The result is that your new tile-based home screen lets you resize, move and even remove topics just like you can with Windows 8.

You can also view searches for certain terms inside an article, and sort articles by moods or by videos. There are also other options to go into night mode or to save article locally to your device.

Flipboard (Free)

Flipboard: Your News MagazineNo top news list is going to be complete without Flipboard, which finally supported Android late in life after early success with the iPad and iPhone.

As you would expect, the Android tablet app bears almost all of the same hallmarks as its iOS counterpart. Flipboard for Android offers up a tile-like view on the homepage and then lets you flip between articles just by swiping to the left.

A few subtle differences are worth noting. With most of today’s Android tablets measuring around 7-inches or so, some articles within the app can be less image-orientated, and text may seem to be a little larger, so you might have to ‘flip’ more pages.

There are the traditional options we’re accustomed to, ‘like’ content, add to your personalized magazines or share to social networks and read-it-later services.

Google Currents (Free)

Google CurrentsGoogle Currents on Android is a great app, and a lot of that is due to the simplicity of the navigation, and the clean, uncluttered design.

Articles are displayed on the right and the toolbar is minimized. You can choose to either tap on the article to read it in full-screen mode or scroll down so you can see other stories from the same publication.

Taptu (Free)

Taptu - DJ your NewsNot the biggest name in the business, but Taptu is a one of the great  Android news apps from Google Play. Yes you can log in with social media, select generic categories as your interests and even share articles with family and friends, but Taptu goes far beyond the basics. You can sync devices, and search for your own “streams”, or even “DJ your news” by mixing favorite sources. Also, Taptu lets you search for articles using keyboards and view streams online. Taptu isn’t perfect, but the app packs some very great, personalized content.

Circa News (Free)

Circa NewsCirca challenges what a mobile news app is supposed to be about. Circa actually employs its own editorial staff to filter the top news stories. When you search for an article, Circa gives you a small picture and some additional text boxes that have just about all the information you’ll ever need. The typography is elegant, the layout is attractive, and everything is geared for you to flick quickly between articles.

Circa is currently only optimized for smartphones. The right-hand article view may look a little sparse for a while, and scrolling isn’t always quite as fluid as one might like, but it could be a good sign of things to come.

Zite (Free)

iteZite has been a popular news app on the iPad and the Android version has good points as well. As with the iOS version, Zite lets you pick your favorite news categories, and add your own search terms. Then you can view these in the ‘Quicklist’ and then share content you want while reading an article.

The text seems a little more compact on Android and there seem to be fewer images than on an iPad. Of course, the sharing options tend to lean toward any of the pre-loaded.

AP Mobile (Free)

AP Mobile seems at first glance to be somewhat of a nightmare littered with smartphone-sized logos and too many content fields. The menu layout also is uninspiring, and there is an occasional ad. Even the images within an article look a little over-sized, and the text might be small by comparison.

However, AP Mobile comes to us from The Associated Press, and it scores in a lot of other areas. The main one, of course, is the content.

Thanks to the AP’s great editorial talent, the app spreads content across numerous categories, from the hour’s top stories, politics, business, technology, travel, lifestyle, or whatever field you could dream up, the AP is there for you.

It may be visually uninspiring, but the content and sharing options, plus the notifications make it a wonderful selection. AP Mobile is free from Google Play, but somehow Google Play url for this app is no-more available…hoping that it will come back soon.

News360 (Free)

News360: Personalized NewsNews360 doesn’t follow the rule book and rebuilt both their iPad and Android apps up from the ground earlier this year. Both apps now bring a gorgeous user interface, lots of different sources, and an easily digestible new grid format to read news.

As with many of the other news aggregation apps on this list, just swipe through articles to find the one you want. For every six articles on your screen, there are five pictures. When you open the article to full screen, you’ll also see related articles with images down the right hand column.


Final Words About Android Free News Apps

Keeping up with the news on your Android tablet can be a much more rewarding experience when you use one of these great Android news apps. No matter which one you choose, the KEY is to find the one that gives you the most satisfaction and, of course, suits you the best. Apart from this Android news apps, if you find any other best app, please share it in comment section.

About Sandip Kale

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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